ari nie mmg plek...
kte g pasar...
rmai pompuan cam laki...
yg plg truk mse ngah g cc,
kte nk nengok la klu ad kwn yg on9...
tp sugguh x kte sangka,
ad 2org bdk nie kn...
agk2 dlm fom 1 fom2...
ad ka ptt?
dorg lyan blue wktu pose nie...
kn dh btl pose dorg...
31 Aug 2009
Yg penat menaip Sye[D][D] Muhammad Al-Yahya stopwatch 8/31/2009 09:15:00 pm 0 Peninggalan nota
said guys to girls
*Don't assume that guys won't care where you are, because we do.
It makes us feel secure to know that our girlfriends aren't off flirting with guys we've never heard of.
*Also, don't talk about your ex-boyfriends.
We never have, nor ever will respect or like them, nor do we want to hear about them.
When you do, you're asking your boyfriend to be jealous.
You're asking your boyfriend to lose trust.
*On that, don't hump everything that walks into the room.
We don't care if you talk to other guys.
We don't care if you're friends with other guys.
But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him, without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off.
It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there.
*Also, when we tell you you're pretty/ beautiful/ gorgeous/ cute/ stunning, we freaking mean it.
Don't tell us we're wrong.
We'll stop trying to convince you.
The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence.
Yeah, you can quote me.
*Don't be mad when we hold the door open.
Smile and say "thank you."
Let us pay for you.
Don't "feel bad."
We enjoy doing it.
It's expected.
Smile and say - everybody together now - "thank you."
*Kiss us when no one's watching.
If you kiss us when you know nobody's looking we'll be more impressed.
*You don't have to get dressed up for us.
If we're going out with you in the first place, you don't have to feel the need to wear the shortest skirt you have, put on every kind of makeup you own.
We like you for WHO you are and not WHAT you are.
*Don't flirt with guys when we're not around.
We'll find out. Trust us.
We have eyes everywhere.
And when we find out, we're pissed.
Not necessarily with the guys you flirted with, more-so with you.
*Don't take everything we say seriously.
Sarcasm is a beautiful thing. See the beauty in it.
Don't get angry easily.
Stop using magazines/
*Don't talk about how hot Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt is in front of us.
It's boring, and we don't care.
You have girlfriends for that.
*Whatever happened to the word "handsome"?
Why does everything have to be "hot/sexy"?
I'd be utterly stunned by a girl who greeted me with "Hey handsome!" instead of "Hey baby/ stud/ cutie/ sexy" or whatever else you can think of.
Claiming girls or guys to be "hot" shows immaturity.
**Girls, I cannot stress this enough: if you aren't being treated right by a guy, don't wait for him to change.
Ditch his sorry, disgrace-
Someone who will honor your morals.
Someone who will make you smile when you're at your lowest.
Yg penat menaip Sye[D][D] Muhammad Al-Yahya stopwatch 8/31/2009 03:48:00 pm 0 Peninggalan nota
Just 4 fun;DD
Its began when the hysteria came to my school. i were afraid on what will happens to my school and what will happens on my future.
Yg penat menaip Sye[D][D] Muhammad Al-Yahya stopwatch 8/31/2009 02:18:00 pm 0 Peninggalan nota
30 Aug 2009
Let me interducing myself...
hmm... hyehihelloalo . I am Syed Muhammad Bin Syed Masharuddin . Remember this name;DD I am turning seventeen on 18th January 2010 . Staying at Shah Alam n I am schling at SMK Seksyen 24 (1) . Ex student SK Seksyen 17 n tadika kemas Seksyen 17/tadika cahaya ;DD Im adaptable cuz im easy to suitable myself in all situation/place! ;DD and I do collect friend to much (!) Get to know me first dude , then you'll know me much better (!) Im nerdy btw ! haha i dont know, but that what my friend said to me . haha ;DD and Im just an ordinary boys who live in a normal life with a boring schedule haha :D Hobbies ? Dont have any haha . Well , prefer to do something tht i wanna do . I ddnt have something tht i reallly really like or maniac or obssed haha :D Kerana klu x dpt sket bai haha ;DD ckp la kowt... tata;DD
Yg penat menaip Sye[D][D] Muhammad Al-Yahya stopwatch 8/30/2009 11:21:00 am 0 Peninggalan nota
29 Aug 2009
Rintihan Nafsu yg Menangis
Hiks! Hiks!
Begitu kejam tuanku
memaksa ku tunduk pd mu
ku nk mkn tp tuan thn
ku kehausan tp tuan x ksi air
tuan paksa ku bangun ktika nk tidur
tuan paksa ku b'sedekah ktika nk pesta
tuan paksa ku b'kerja ktika ku nk b'rehat2
Deritaku x dpt d thn lg...
Tp tuanku t'lalu perkasa bg hamba
Yg penat menaip Sye[D][D] Muhammad Al-Yahya stopwatch 8/29/2009 01:04:00 am 0 Peninggalan nota
11 Aug 2009

Nie gmbr sblum k'jd'n
plek kn xde pape pon.

Kte pon x sdr ape yg blaku kerna pd ketika k'jd'n 2 blaku, kte dlm p'jln'n pulang utk solat Jumaat. Kte tau pon mse dh abis solat Jumaat, Amin nanyer kt kte ap yg jd kt Syera. Kte ckp xde pape, tp dye kte Syera kne histeria. Kte pon plek n trus mncapai hp d poket kte n trus nanyer kwn t'dkt Syera, Fyza.
Fyza kte btul, tp dye pon x tau sgt. Ad guru bwk Syera kt tmpt private n sme plaja x leh t'libat. 2 jela yg kte tau...
Tbe2 waktu mlm, kte dpt sms dr Syera "Syed besok g kimia x?". kte reply "Syera x pape ka? larat ka nk g kimia?". Syera kte "dh sehat dh". Kte kte"bgus la cm2, kte sentiase dtg ke sesuatu majlis jika kte d jemput. Dtg la kte nk tau ap yg jd kt Syera".
Spanjang Musim Histeria - 3rd,4th,5th August 2009
Asyik cter psal org len ja, jd kli nie cter psal kte lak. Cter ringkas ja la...
Pd ari Isnin smpi Rabu, kte sering d ganggu oleh makhluk hlus. Kte d serang abis2san, mmg parah k'cederaan nyer... Slh 1 dr ari nie, Nadia menangis sbb t'nmpk makhluk hlus 2 b'dkt'n dgn kte.
Pd ari Khamis kte pkai sweater, kte kte demam. Tp sbnr nyer seram sejuk...
Pd ari Jumaat kte t'menung ja, x dpt wt tabiat biasa; meronda 1 skola...
NOTE: kte ad kaitan ngan k'jd'n yg menimpa Syera...
1) Mse blek dr skola utk solat Jumaat, Syera d ganggu...[Jumaat]
2)Mse kne b'pecah; kte g bilik ICT n Syera bilik LK, Syera d ganggu...[Isnin]
3)Mse blek dr lwt'n kte tinggal kn dye kejap; tabiat biase, Syera d ganggu.
Tp x truk sgt sbb kte smpt kembali dkt Syera, jd dye cume jd lemah, yg ari len 2; Syera pitam.[Rabu]
n x lpe jgk nadia, Ira n Sofia...
sowy la kowg pon kne gak...
truk btul kte nie:(
Isnin n Slase - 9th,10th August 2009
Isnin x dtg skola, wt sesuatu; RAHSIA. Tp kte ad dtg skola mse ari Isnin waktu ptg sbb kte ad wt 1 janji...[Kte ad motto sndri; x kira ap t'jd se lg bdn d bwh kwlan kte, janji akn d tunaikn]
Dh rancang nk dtg ari Slase, tp rancangan berubah pd Isnin ptg. Mse kt skola, kwn pompuan kte; yg masih ad d skola pd ketika 2, tkut nk pndg kte sbb mte kte merah, nmpk urat2. Lg 1 dorg tkut nk dkt ngan kte, dorg tkut maseh ad makhluk hlus b'dkt'n kte.
Jd pd ari slase x dtg skola sbb mte kte maseh merah n nmpk urat2. Klu dtg skola pkai cermin mte nnti kne kutuk mcm ari Khamis lps; pkai sweater, dorg kte bajet hot la control macho la ngat dh hbet sgt la. Jd baek xyah dtg skola...
Hah lpe lak nk bgtau bnde bes, sliper kte kne geget ngan makhluk comel. K'jd'n 2 blaku btul2 dpn kte, makhluk 2 muncul n trus geget sliper kte. Kte hmpir kehilangan jari...

Nk tau cmne leh kne geget skali ja? sbb mse dye geget 2, kaki kanan kte kasi dye hadiah... dye ske hadiah 2, jd dye trus chow...
Yg penat menaip Sye[D][D] Muhammad Al-Yahya stopwatch 8/11/2009 11:50:00 am 0 Peninggalan nota